40 Days of Prayer
January 15 - February 23, 2024
We want to challenge every member of FBC Mansfield to participate in a FBC Mission 10-15 Trip once every 24 months. In this resource, you will find a list of these options we’d like you to prayerfully consider. These trips will include intense training and preparation as well as well-coordinated kingdom impact. Locations for these trips will include state-side and international opportunities to encourage maximum participation for members regardless of their life stage. In preparation for this mighty move of God in 2024, we are going to participate in 40 Days of Prayer.
The 40 Days of Prayer will run from Monday, 1/15/24 through Friday, 2/23/24. This resource will include six days of guidance and encouragement, corresponding to the six days most (some will only pray 5 depending on what day of the week they sign up for) will pray through the 40 Day Prayer emphasis. Each day you will be given the following:
A Scripture to Reflect On. These Scriptures will focus on key passages that highlight God’s call on every believer to participate in His kingdom mission.
Short Devotional. These devotionals will draw your attention to key elements of the biblical passages and how you can meditate on them as you pray.
Consecration Prayer Prompts. There will be 3-4 Prayer Prompts to help you further devote yourself and this season to the Lord.
Commissioning Prayer Prompts. There will be 3-4 Prayer Prompts to help you reflect on your role in the kingdom work God is doing through FBC Mansfield.
The 40 Days of Prayer will run from Monday, 1/15/24 through Friday, 2/23/24. This resource will include six days of guidance and encouragement, corresponding to the six days most (some will only pray 5 depending on what day of the week they sign up for) will pray through the 40 Day Prayer emphasis. Each day you will be given the following:
A Scripture to Reflect On. These Scriptures will focus on key passages that highlight God’s call on every believer to participate in His kingdom mission.
Short Devotional. These devotionals will draw your attention to key elements of the biblical passages and how you can meditate on them as you pray.
Consecration Prayer Prompts. There will be 3-4 Prayer Prompts to help you further devote yourself and this season to the Lord.
Commissioning Prayer Prompts. There will be 3-4 Prayer Prompts to help you reflect on your role in the kingdom work God is doing through FBC Mansfield.
Sign Up for a Time Slot!
There are still time slots available. To sign up for a time to pray, contact our Family Minister, Zach Shelton.