Our Generosity Philosophy
- God is the owner and we are His managers. (Genesis 1:26-27) God creates all things and invites us as his image bearers to represent him through careful stewardship of what’s been entrusted to us.
- Generosity is giving our first and our best of our finances. (1 Cor. 16:1-2) Our giving to God should demonstrate that His kingdom is our highest value. God does not get our leftovers but the first and best.
- Tithing is the starting point of giving but not the end. (Matt. 23:23) Jesus mentions tithing while challenging his listeners to not miss the focus of God’s word: lived obedience before God. We believe 10% is a great starting point but that we should always pray, “God, are you getting my first and best?”
- The focus of our generosity should be our local church. (Matt. 16:13-20) Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church. We believe every Christian should give their first and best to their local church for the advancement of the gospel here and around the world.
- Generosity sets our hearts on what truly matters. (Matt. 6:21) Jesus said where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also. Biblical generosity guides our hearts to care about what truly matters: the advancement of God’s kingdom.
- Generosity loosens greed's grip on our hearts. (Matt. 6:24) Greed is a “passion to possess what is not ours” (Randy Alcorn). When we give our first and our best we weaken sinful idolatry and desires that pull on every human heart.
- Generosity transforms the temporal into the eternal. (Matt. 6:19) All of us are making investments in this world. When we invest in eternity we ensure that the temporal resources we have will make an impact forever.
Our Generosity Story
From December 2021-2023, our church took part in a generosity initiative designed for God to do a work in us and through us as a church body.
Quarterly Updates
See how you are making an impact in our world for Christ through your generosity.
Ways To Give
Give In Person
Bring your offering with you on Sunday mornings and drop in the boxes at the entrances to the Worship Center.
Mail A Check
You can mail your offering to:
FBC Mansfield
PO Box 2255
Mansfield, TX 76063
FBC Mansfield
PO Box 2255
Mansfield, TX 76063
Text to Give
Text your giving amount and the word 'give' to 84321 (example: "$5 give"). The first time you text, it will ask you to set up text-to-give on your account, but you won't have to go through all the steps every time.