Membership Process


As Christians who have repented of our sins, believed in the saving work of Jesus Christ, confessed Him as our Lord, and have given ourselves up completely to Him, having been baptized in water upon the profession of our faith, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, we now come together to confirm our covenant with one another as the body of Christ at First Baptist Church, Mansfield, Texas.

We will look to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith, seeing Him as the head of our church, following His ways as taught through the authority of His Word, and walking a life of holiness before Him.

We will live out the Great Commission of our Lord by making disciples of all nations, both foreign and domestic, by regularly engaging our family, friends, and community with the gospel.

We will strive for the unity of our church in the bond of peace by the help of the Spirit through the Word.

We will walk together in love with one another, striving to care and watch over one another, as well as admonish and correct one another as occasion may require, submitting, under Christ, to the care and discipline of this body.

We will rejoice with one another in times of happiness and bear with one another in times of grief and sorrow.

We will not forsake the gathering of ourselves together in worship nor will we neglect to pray for each other and the world in which we live.

We will strive to teach and nurture any who may be under our care, teaching the gospel, the word, and how to live a peaceful life before the Lord in this world.

We will work together to maintain and support this church in its worship, discipline, and doctrine.

We will contribute of our finances cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the care for the community, and the spread of the gospel.

We will, when we move from this place, as soon as possible, unite with another church where we can continue to carry out the principles of God’s Word and the spirit of this covenant.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

To view the FBC Mansfield Bylaws, click here


Once a quarter, our members gather together for a special time of worship and fellowship where we hear important updates and share a meal together.

Our next meeting is April 27 at 4:00pm.