December 19th, 2024
by Dr. Spencer Plumlee
by Dr. Spencer Plumlee
Have you ever felt trapped by a habit or pattern you just can't seem to break? Or maybe you've wondered why the world can be so dark and broken, despite our best efforts to improve it? The truth is, we're all caught in the grip of a power far stronger than we realize. But there's hope - a power even greater that can set us free.
The Blinding, Enslaving Force of Sin
Sin isn't just about bad behavior or breaking rules. It's a force as relentless as gravity, constantly pulling us down. Think of sin like a gravitational force at work in your life. It's not just what you do when you disobey God. It's a force at work that causes you to do those things. It's a power at work in your lives that leads you to rebel against God's authority.
This power of sin has two devastating effects on us:
1. The Power to Blind
John 1:10 tells us, "He was in the world, and the world was created through him, and yet the world did not recognize him." Sin warps our perception, causing us to misinterpret reality. We see beauty in creation but fail to recognize the Creator. We enjoy life's blessings without acknowledging the Giver.
2. The Power to Enslave
John 1:11 says, "He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him." Sin doesn't just cloud our vision; it chains our hearts. We become hostile to the very One who can save us, like an abused dog snarling at those trying to help.
Put simply: Sin blinds to truth and enslaves to destruction.
The Cultural Myth of Human Goodness
Our culture often pushes back against this idea, promoting the notion that people are inherently good or at least morally neutral. We see this in popular media, like in movies where villains are portrayed as simply misunderstood or victims of circumstance.
But this view fails to account for the depth of our problem. When you reject the idea that humans are under the power of sin, everybody's a victim. When you reject the idea that we, left to ourselves, are blind and actually perpetrators of great evil, it's all about what's been done to us.
While external factors certainly influence us, we can't ignore the root of the problem: The greatest source of evil in the world is the human heart.
The Creation Power of Christ
So how does Jesus overcome this overwhelming power of sin? John gives us the answer in verses 12-13:
"But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God." (John 1:12-13)
The key is this: Jesus overcomes sin's power through creation power. The same divine force that spoke the universe into existence is what God uses to remake us from the inside out. It's nothing less than a new birth, a complete re-creation of who we are.
This is why Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3, "Truly I tell you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." It's not about trying harder or turning over a new leaf. It's about being remade by the Creator Himself.
Life Application: Don't Underestimate Sin
Understanding the immense power it took to save us should radically change how we view sin in our daily lives. Here are two practical ways to avoid underestimating sin:
1. Don't Play with Sin
Be careful about getting as close to the line as possible without crossing it. Like Lot pitching his tent near Sodom, flirting with temptation often leads to disaster. (Genesis 13:12)
2. Don't Live in Isolation
We all need accountability. Everybody needs to have two or three brothers and sisters in their lives who have free reign to ask them anything and get a truthful response.
Next Steps:
1. Reflect on areas where you might be underestimating sin's power in your life.
2. Identify trusted friends or mentors who can provide accountability.
3. If you're not a Christian, consider the claim that only Jesus' creation power can free you from sin's grip.
Remember, the intensity of God's solution - creation-level power - reveals the severity of our sin problem. But take heart! This same power is available to all who put their trust in Christ.
The Blinding, Enslaving Force of Sin
Sin isn't just about bad behavior or breaking rules. It's a force as relentless as gravity, constantly pulling us down. Think of sin like a gravitational force at work in your life. It's not just what you do when you disobey God. It's a force at work that causes you to do those things. It's a power at work in your lives that leads you to rebel against God's authority.
This power of sin has two devastating effects on us:
1. The Power to Blind
John 1:10 tells us, "He was in the world, and the world was created through him, and yet the world did not recognize him." Sin warps our perception, causing us to misinterpret reality. We see beauty in creation but fail to recognize the Creator. We enjoy life's blessings without acknowledging the Giver.
2. The Power to Enslave
John 1:11 says, "He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him." Sin doesn't just cloud our vision; it chains our hearts. We become hostile to the very One who can save us, like an abused dog snarling at those trying to help.
Put simply: Sin blinds to truth and enslaves to destruction.
The Cultural Myth of Human Goodness
Our culture often pushes back against this idea, promoting the notion that people are inherently good or at least morally neutral. We see this in popular media, like in movies where villains are portrayed as simply misunderstood or victims of circumstance.
But this view fails to account for the depth of our problem. When you reject the idea that humans are under the power of sin, everybody's a victim. When you reject the idea that we, left to ourselves, are blind and actually perpetrators of great evil, it's all about what's been done to us.
While external factors certainly influence us, we can't ignore the root of the problem: The greatest source of evil in the world is the human heart.
The Creation Power of Christ
So how does Jesus overcome this overwhelming power of sin? John gives us the answer in verses 12-13:
"But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born, not of natural descent, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God." (John 1:12-13)
The key is this: Jesus overcomes sin's power through creation power. The same divine force that spoke the universe into existence is what God uses to remake us from the inside out. It's nothing less than a new birth, a complete re-creation of who we are.
This is why Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:3, "Truly I tell you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." It's not about trying harder or turning over a new leaf. It's about being remade by the Creator Himself.
Life Application: Don't Underestimate Sin
Understanding the immense power it took to save us should radically change how we view sin in our daily lives. Here are two practical ways to avoid underestimating sin:
1. Don't Play with Sin
Be careful about getting as close to the line as possible without crossing it. Like Lot pitching his tent near Sodom, flirting with temptation often leads to disaster. (Genesis 13:12)
2. Don't Live in Isolation
We all need accountability. Everybody needs to have two or three brothers and sisters in their lives who have free reign to ask them anything and get a truthful response.
Next Steps:
1. Reflect on areas where you might be underestimating sin's power in your life.
2. Identify trusted friends or mentors who can provide accountability.
3. If you're not a Christian, consider the claim that only Jesus' creation power can free you from sin's grip.
Remember, the intensity of God's solution - creation-level power - reveals the severity of our sin problem. But take heart! This same power is available to all who put their trust in Christ.
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