Experiencing God's Glory Through Jesus Christ

Have you ever been in the presence of someone you considered truly great? As a fifth grader, I had the opportunity to spend an evening with NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana. I was so overwhelmed that I barely said three words the entire time. There's something special about being in the presence of greatness that leaves us awestruck. But what if I told you that Jesus Christ came to give you an even more overwhelming experience - not with a celebrity, but with the living God Himself?

The Glory of God Revealed in Jesus

In John 1:14-18, we see that Jesus came to reveal God's glory in an unprecedented way. The passage tells us, "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). This verse is packed with profound truths about who Jesus is and what He came to do.

First, we see that Jesus is both fully God and fully human. He is the eternal Word who "became flesh." This means that God Himself entered our world in human form. Think about this: God doesn't delegate your redemption. God doesn't send someone else to save you. God himself comes to rescue you.

But what exactly did Jesus reveal about God? John tells us that Jesus was "full of grace and truth." This echoes God's self-revelation to Moses in Exodus 34:6, where He describes Himself as "compassionate and gracious...abounding in faithful love and truth." In Jesus, we see the perfect balance of God's love and holiness, His mercy and justice.

Trusting Jesus to Behold God's Glory

So how do we access this Revelation of God's glory? The key is trusting in Jesus - Trust God's Son to behold God's glory. Jesus Himself said that unless we receive Him like little children, we won't truly know Him. There's a humility required to see God as He truly is.

This is why I urge you: Look to Jesus alone for your understanding of God. It's so easy for us to develop distorted views of who God is. We might see Him as a pushover who doesn't care about sin, or as a cruel tyrant waiting to punish us. But Jesus shows us that God is neither of these extremes. He is the sovereign ruler of the universe who is full of both grace and truth.

Experiencing God's Presence Through Jesus

But John 1:16-17 takes us even further. It says, "Indeed, we have all received grace upon grace from his fullness. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." Jesus doesn't just reveal God to us intellectually - He restores our capacity to experience God's presence personally.

Trust God's Son to experience God's glory. When we put our faith in Jesus, we receive the incredible gift of being able to know and experience God intimately. As your pastor, my greatest desire is for you to have the expectation of experiencing God's presence on a daily basis.

Practical Application: Engaging God's Word in Faith

So how do we cultivate this experience of God's presence? I believe it primarily happens through a faith-filled engagement with your Bible. This means approaching Scripture not just as a textbook or manual, but as God's living word to you personally.

I challenge you to set aside uninterrupted, unhurried time with Jesus and His Word each day. Come to the Bible in faith, saying, "God, I believe this is your word and I believe you speak through this. Would you speak to me today?" If you do this consistently, I promise you'll be amazed at how it changes your life.

Remember, you were made to experience God's presence. Don't settle for paddling in the shallow end of the pool spiritually. Through Jesus, you can dive into the deep end of knowing and experiencing the glory of God.

Next Steps:
1. Set aside daily time for prayerful Bible reading
2. Approach Scripture expecting to hear from God
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see Jesus on every page
4. Confess any distorted views of God you may have
5. Thank Jesus for revealing God's glory and making His presence accessible to you

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